Jack & Jenny

modular storage system

Modular and versatile, Jack & Jenny open up a new world of storage possibilities. From throws to toys, from accessories to recycling, Jack contains and Jenny supports. Made from a 100% biobased, 100% biodegradable polymer, Jack embodies an alternative to conventional plastic, while Jenny, made from solid wood from controlled Swiss forests, is Swiss Label certified.

100% biobased and 100% biodegradable and compostable, Jack embodies an alternative to conventional plastic. It draws its strength from a polymer made from potato starch mixed with low-density cork granules, combined with 100% natural dyes. The starch used does not compete with biomass feedstock for food and feed. Due to its all-natural composition, Jack is designed for indoor use only.

Made from solid wood from controlled Swiss forests and Swiss Label certified, Jenny, Jack's companion, is there to support him. Modular in nature, she is composed of a stand and a bag hanger that can be assembled together. On the floor or wall-mounted, any combination is possible.


Jack & Jenny is a long-term project that is the result of many years of development. The aim was clear and we weren’t prepared to compromise on certain aspects, particularly those relating to the biodegradability of components. The question was not so much when we could produce it, but how. After long periods of testing, Jack & Jenny finally came to fruition thanks to an innovative material developed in collaboration with Amorim Cork Composites, a specialist in the cork industry.

a design bag forming part of a modular storage system on a pile of cork and potatoes, representing the origin of its material

The cork oak forests are an important environmental pillar in Mediterranean countries, home to more than 200 animal species and 135 plant species. They constitute a barrier against fire and play an important role in the regulation of the hydrological cycle. They are also natural CO2 retainers, the main cause of global warming. It is estimated that every year, cork oak forests retain up to 14 million tons of CO2. The cyclical extraction of cork, without damaging the trees, ensures the viability of the forest and makes it a natural and renewable resource.

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At the end of its useful life, Jack can be disposed in a composting centre or returned to us. We may give him a second life or we may recycle him. Do not dispose of Jack in the wild - ask the competent authorities where to dispose of biodegradable objects. Any questions about Jack’s disposal?

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Designed in Switzerland.

Made in Portugal and Switzerland.



Ethically sourced.

Puzzle Piece


Your product, your rules.

a woman carries a design bag made from cork and potato starch as part of a modular storage system

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